Nutritionist shares the drink we should all have every morning – as it’s ‘magic’

Nutritional therapist Aislinn Cambridge has claimed there’s one drink we should all be having as soon as we wake up in the morning – and says it works like ‘magic’

Aislinn Cambridge says one drink works like ‘magic’ in our bodies

We all know the feeling of having to drag ourselves out of bed in the morning because it’s too early and we just don’t have the energy to face the day just yet.

But according to a nutritionist, there are things we can do to help our bodies cope with morning fatigue, as well as ensure our moods are lifted, sleep is improved, and energy is boosted.

Aislinn Cambridge, who is a nutritional therapist and Pure Results ‘Minister 4 Happiness’, says there is one drink that she claims works like “magic” to make us feel our best – and it only takes two ingredients.

She told RSVP Live that while we all know about the benefits of drinking plenty of water, you can actually make yourself feel even better by adding a squeeze of lemon to a cup of warm water.

The secret is drinking water with a splash of lemon (stock photo)


(Getty Images)

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The expert said: “There is one thing that absolutely everyone should be doing from the minute they wake up in the morning and that is drink water, it hydrates your body and lowers blood pressure.

“If you want to have energy and feel good, a warm cup of water with half a lemon squeezed into it. It’s like magic.”

But it’s not just lemon water that can help to make you feel ready to start the day, as Aislinn also said that taking proper care of yourself before bed can help you feel better in the morning.

The nutritionist said you leave at least three hours between your last big meal and the time you go to sleep so that your body can fully digest your food ahead of resting for the night.

She added: “If you’re eating a meal and attempting to sleep an hour or two later it will cause havoc because your body can’t digest nor rest and recover, the two cancel each other out.

“Both your sleep and your digestion will be affected and when combined it will have a severe impact on your mood. I recommend leaving at least three to four hours after a big meal.”

And Aislinn’s biggest tip is to stay away from artificial sweeteners whenever you have a craving for sugar because these can actually have a worse effect on your body than natural sugars.

She explained: “Some feel it’s better to reach for ‘sugar-free’ options when they’re trying to eat healthily, but they’re actually worse. So-called ‘diet’ drinks contain an ingredient called aspartame which our bodies do not know how to process and it has a negative effect on our gut and is far more harmful, inflammatory and corrosive than actual sugar.”

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