Not dollar bills; penalties for selling intoxicating drinks; fatigued peas

June 4, 1835

SMALL BILLS. On Monday last the law went into operation against the circulation of one dollar bills. The Banks within the State are prohibited issuing under a forfeiture of $500. And any individual who shall receive a $1 bill is subject to a fine of $2. Each Bank is obliged, however, to receive their own bills and pay out the specie for them. For further particular see the law published on an extra sheet.

June 8, 1855

Caution to liquor agents —The present liquor law imposes a fine of two hundred dollars and costs, and six months’ imprisonment for the first offense, upon any town agent who shall sell intoxicating drinks to any one “unless he knows him to be an inhabitant of his town, city or plantation.” He incurs this penalty, if he sells it to a citizen of his town, who acts as an agent for an inhabitant of another town. We give this caution, as we have reason to believe that there are persons who are seeking an opportunity to enforce this provision of the law.

Ship painting —One would almost think, from the beauty of finish, so universal in the cabins of our modern built vessels, that there was more luxury on the sea than on the land. In decoration and finish, the cabins of even our second class vessels, excel our finest parlors. We have been pleased with a cursory examination of a large brig of Carter & Co’s, recently launched. The satin-wood, black walnut and rosewood imitations of the panels, columns, caps, doors, &c., of her cabin de ella, as nearly approach nature as possible. We learn that the work is by the skillful hand of Mr. SB Gillum, who has acquired a well-deserved reputation in this description of painting.

June 3, 1875

Virginia green peas, considerably fatigued and wilted by their long journey, are offered in the market.

A yaller dog, with an express label attached, awaits an owner at the company office. The animal has a voracious appetite, and Gilkey is anxious to see the owner, to collect $1.80 expressage besides board.

June 6, 1895

The Belfast Band will give its first out of doors concert for the season to-morrow, Friday, evening. They will march on the streets and not appear in the band stand. The Band is making arrangements for giving a concert in the Opera House soon.

June 3, 1915

The tea room under the auspices of the Belfast Women’s Club had a very auspicious opening last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. John O. Black in charge. Some of the club members lunched there and others called during the afternoon to extend good wishes. Strawberry short cake, chicken sandwiches, salads and assorted cake and tea were served. The room will be open daily from 10 am to 6 pm

Compiled from archival holdings by Sharon Pietryka, Reference & Special Collections Librarian at the Belfast Free Library.

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