Achilles injury leaves Duh Hubby sulking on the couch

My dear Duh Hubby retired last week. At 60, he’s young-ish to do so but he’s worked very hard for a long time, often as sole income provider, so I didn’t justify the decision. The night I popped open a can of Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers’ Beef Feast and headed toward his dinner plate was really all in fun. Hahahahaha.

Let the record show Duh has been looking forward to retirement for a while. In his resignation letter, he wrote, seriously, “Retirement has been a goal of mine for the past 25 years.” Honest to a fault, that Duh.

To prepare, Duh hired a personal trainer and was as conditioned as any 60-year-old could be. He swam in the ocean, rode his bike for hours, benched 260 pounds and, at 6-foot-four, was in peak shape to return to his first love: basketball. Specifically, seniors pick-up at a city-run gym.

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